


These are the sorts of things we like to do when we are not at work or at school.

Round Table - Simon is actively involved with the Ongar Round Table, check out their website which he has designed.

School Governors - Carole is on the Governing Body of Sarah's school, Chipping Ongar Primary School. Take a look at what the school looks like on the Photo Album page.

Rainbows    - Sarah goes to Rainbows every Wednesday, as she is now seven she will soon be going on to Brownies. She also goes to French Club (Le Club Francais!) every Saturday morning, just a gentle introduction to modern languages..

Emily  - Emily goes to Playgroup twice a week and Montessori Nursery school for the two days Carole is working. Other opportunities for social interaction are still a bit limited, but she is desperate to join Sarah in playing out with all the other children.